
The company wishes employees happiness as sweet as candy!

🍭Happy Children's Day! May our big friends all find their inner innocence and happiness, and enjoy this wonderful festival with the children! Thank every employee for their hard work, so that our team is more united and progress! !🎉



Protecting lives and building a strong defense line

In the daily operation of the chemical industry, safety production is always the core task of enterprises. In order to enhance the safety awareness and operational skills of our employees, we have organized a series of safety training activities. Today, let's walk into these activities together and feel the importance and investment of chemical enterprises for safety production.



Safety is no small matter, take precautions before it happens

In life and work, we should be good at identifying and assessing risks. Whether it is a safety hazard in the workplace or a potential danger in daily life, we need to carefully observe and analyze. Through risk identification, we can take measures in advance to avoid accidents.



Green and environmental protection, party members first

In order to create a good working environment for employees, Bona party members played a pioneering and exemplary role as volunteers. On the morning of May 8, the company's party branch organized party members to carry out party member volunteer garbage picking service activities inside and outside the factory.During the activity, the party members and volunteers of the company, in the spirit of "not afraid of getting dirty, not afraid of being tired, and taking responsibility as their mission", held cleaning tools such as garbage bags and garbage tongs, and removed plastic bags and waste scattered on the roadside, green belts and other places. Remove paper, beverage bottles and other discarded items.After two and a half hours of hard work, those stubborn sanitary corners were completely cleaned up.



Bona New Materials | | Summarizing the Past and Looking Forward to the Future - Bona Company Holds an Annual Summary and HSE Responsibility Letter Signing Meeting

Bona [Looking Forward] Summarizes the past and looks forward to the future. At the beginning of the new calendar in 2022, we will take solid steps, walk steadily in every step, and create a better tomorrow for ourselves. Convene the 2021 year-end conference on December 27, 2021, Bona



Bona New Materials | | Open the door, good luck! Congratulations on making a fortune, with abundant sources of wealth, abundant blessings, and grand plans!

The new year brings good luck and good weather. Congratulations on getting rich, having abundant wealth, good luck, and good luck. Accompanied by benefactors, good luck is always present, and good things come one after another. With grand plans and a bright future ahead! END scan code to follow the prosperous start of construction, prosperous wealth, and abundant financial resources, reaching all directions



May Fourth Youth Day: Reviewing History, Illuminating Youth, and Building the Future Together

The atmosphere of summer gradually becomes stronger, and time flies. In the blink of an eye, we once again welcome the festival that shines with youth and dreams - May Fourth Youth Day. This is not just a holiday, but also a reflection of history and a spiritual inheritance. Speaking of the May Fourth Movement, one cannot help but mention the heart shaking May Fourth Movement. that



May Day holiday is coming, Bona is spending happy time with you!

Laborers are the cutest people in the world, silently making countless contributions to society, some even dedicating their entire lives to their dreams. Let society be filled with love and warmth. May Day Labor Day, let's celebrate the greatness of labor together, pay tribute to everyone who strives for their dreams, and let the beauty of labor bloom in this holiday.

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Address:Anhui Dongzhi Economic Development Zone
About Us
Anhui Bona New Materials Technology Co., Ltd. was established in June 2017, located in the Dongzhi Economic Development Zone of Anhui Province.
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